Our Schools

Bennie Dover Jackson Middle School
Home of the:
• STEM Magnet Middle School
• Arts Magnet Middle School
• Language, Culture and Leadership Pathway
• Renzulli Academy

C.B. Jennings Dual Language and International Elementary Magnet
A Dual Language and International Elementary Magnet that offers students and families exciting international experiences, global and cultural awareness and language learning opportunities.

Harbor School
Harbor School is open to Grades PreK through 4. Students living in New London, CT who wish to attend ECC must apply in the New London Magnet School Lottery Application. The application period is open from January through April. It is available online during that time.

Nathan Hale Arts Magnet School
What makes Nathan Hale Arts Magnet School unique is that we integrate reading, writing, math, language, speaking and listening. Science and social studies with the National Core Arts Standards. The National Core Arts Standards, adopted by Connecticut in the fall of 2016, outline 5 artistic disciplines for our students.

New London High School
NLHS is a fine educational institution. With a long-standing tradition of excellence NLHS is dedicated to outstanding student achievement and preparing its students for success beyond high school.

Science and Technology Magnet High School of Southeastern Connecticut
The Science and Technology Magnet High School of Southeastern Connecticut (STMHS) has a college preparatory program in place, providing rigorous and relevant curriculum that demands students to engage in project and problem-based work.

Winthrop Stem Elementary Magnet School
Winthrop provides a rigorous and relevant curriculum based on the Connecticut Core Standards and Next Generation Science Standards to all students in kindergarten through grade five.

New London Adult and Continuing Education
New London Adult and Continuing Education is committed to providing excellence in education by offering stimulating and innovative educational opportunities that meet the needs of our diverse community. We are very proud of our long-standing commitment to adult learners and continue to strive to offer state-of-the-art education, job skill training opportunities and special programs.