Annual Appeal
This past year the New London Education Foundation distributed over $29,000 in scholarships and awards to the New London High School Class of 2019. These students are attending prestigious institutions such as Connecticut College, UCONN, Eastern CT State University, Southern CT State University, Central CT State University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Fordham University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Delaware – and many more. Sincere thanks are extended to our generous donors for helping our students to realize their dream of attending college.
In 2018-2019 the NLEF also awarded over $10,000 in grants to support numerous initiatives that touched the lives of students in all grade levels. The following are a few of the initiatives the NLEF funded last year:
- Whaler Café Deep Sea Fishing Trip
- Emerson Theatre Collaborative Summer Youth Camp
- NLHS/New London Youth Football – Goals, Objectives and Activities
- Jennings – Symbolic Species Adoption
This year the NLEF has the ambitious goal of raising $25,000 to continue its support of initiatives that will promote student achievement in the New London Public Schools. In the words of Kathy Calvin, President and CEO of the United Nations Foundation, “Giving is not just about making a donation; it’s about making a difference.”
Please help us make a difference by responding to this appeal and donating today!

About NLEF
The New London Education Foundation (NLEF) was established to support the New London Public Schools (NLPS) through increased student-achievement initiatives, cultural awareness, professional development for faculty and staff, and comprehensive school improvement. In this role, the Foundation will perform many important functions for the NLPS.
The NLEF also serves as a conduit through which scholarship funds can be established to assist students in the New London Public Schools in the advancement of their education.
Our Schools
News and Events
WTNH News 8 showcases “What’s Right With Schools”. New London Public Schools Arts Magnet pathway is innovating education, making a difference with students through project-based learning that engages every student in creative ways.
News and Events
WTNH News 8 showcases “What’s Right With Schools”. New London Public Schools Arts Magnet pathway is innovating education, making a difference with students through project-based learning that engages every student in creative ways.